PS5: 10 Mind-Blowing Game Reveals That Would Win The Generation

3. Horizon Zero Dawn Sequel

Silent Hill Reboot

Horizon Zero Dawn is one of those games that are instantly recognisable as a generation-defining title.

Released back in February 2017, Guerilla Games brand new IP took the action-RPG genre its own way and made a beautifully futuristic open-world game, unlike anything we've seen before. It was a mish-mash of Sci-Fi and post-apocalypse, with civilisation long-buried under the earth and self-sustaining, mechanical beasts prowling around.

What I enjoyed most about Horizon Zero Dawn is that it was fun but unforgiving, making you study your enemies weak points and use all of your tools to stand a chance. I didn't get round to playing Horizon Zero Dawn until March this year, and from the moment I started, I was hooked.

The story was compelling, the graphics were captivating, and the world itself was jammed full of interesting activities and mysteries. Going off to do countless side missions and explore secret dungeons is a must, it's just one of those kinds of games.

The game really is a testament to the skilled team at Guerilla Games and the capabilities of the PS4 Pro.


Fledgeling writer from the grim north. Likes RPG Games, shoot-em-ups, and the smell of petrol.