PS5: 10 Ways It Will Change Gaming Forever

8. Haptic Feedback & Other Controller Features - The DualSense

Spider-Man ps5

I often joked that the Dual Shock was a controller stuck in the late 90s - when Sony added two analogue sticks to the bum-end of the controller, it was a hasty retrofit job to compete with the Nintendo 64 controller.

Since then, they’ve been too fearful to truly iterate on its design - whilst competitors have discovered more organic finger placements for sticks and buttons, Sony’s controller seems defiant in its design as a branding/nostalgia choice over an ergonomic one.

So, when the Dual Shock 4 made some subtle-yet-meaningful changes, it came as a surprise to me, someone who expected the controller to end up identical to the PS2’s.

The Dual Sense - the PS5’s controller - continues this evolution with a “create” button (presumably to make capturing, editing and sharing content more efficient), an in-built microphone (with a myriad of possibilities beyond just chatting online), and, most excitingly for me - more elegant, intricate haptic feedback system.

As anyone who tried Xbox One’s haptic triggers when they were first unveiled can attest, regional rumble/feedback really boosts the immersion and believable reaction to the on-screen action, and PS5’s haptic feedback system should ramp this right up to eleven.

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Hiya, you lot! I'm Tommy, a 39-year-old game developer from Scotland - I live on the East coast in an adorable beachside village. I've worked on Need for Speed, Cake Bash, Tom Clancy's The Division, Driver San Francisco, Viva Pinata: Trouble in Paradise, Kameo 2 and much more. I enjoy a pun and, of course, suffer fools gladly! Join me on Twitter at @TotoMimoTweets for more opinion diarrhoea.