PS5: 8 Brand New Leaks And Rumours You Need To Know

7. It's Going To Be Expensive (Because Of U.S. Tariffs)

PS5 500

So far, we have no idea how much the PS5 (or the Xbox Scarlett, for that matter) is going to cost, but everything seems to be pointing to a pretty high price point. Not only is the tech packed into the machine relatively cutting edge (more on that later), but U.S. tariffs on Chinese exports are going to hike the cost up massively should they continue to be implemented.

Recently, all the major console manufacturers spoke out against the tariffs, explaining that they'll end up costing the customer drastically in the long run. Though the exact damage of these tariffs can't be assessed just yet, it has been hypothesised that the average American family could be priced out, meaning something around the $500 mark wouldn't be out of the question.

This won't only negatively impact customers, but the industry in the U.S., putting "thousands of high-value, rewarding U.S. jobs at risk." All in all, if there's no changes, these economic policies will hit the industry hard.

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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3