PS5: 9 Brand New CONFIRMED Details You Need To Know

2. Sony Are Looking To Buy Studios And Double Down On Exclusives

Ghost of Tsushima Silhouette
Sucker Punch

Perhaps unsurprisingly, exclusives were at the forefront of Sony's showcase in Japan. The company didn't show off any new footage from the likes of Death Stranding or Ghosts of Tsushima, but executives did promise that there are even more first and second-party titles in development that will bolster the Playstation brand going forward.

Noting that exclusives make up 20% of the industry's releases, Sony revealed that not only are they going to continue letting their first-party studios have as much support and creative control as possible, but that they're also looking for "new acquisitions" to join the fold. This generation hasn't seen Sony buy many studios, instead content with giving teams like Naughty Dog, Guerrilla Games, Sony Santa Monica, Sucker Punch and Bend the space to innovate and come up with new IP. Of course, this is all on top of genius second party relationships, like pairing Insomniac with Marvel's Spider-Man.

With Microsoft making great strides in bolstering their own party of developers, purchasing fan-favourites like Obsidian and Ninja Theory, Sony are apparently looking to do something similar. Picking up too many will probably be a mistake, but adding a few names to their first-party roster would make sense as the company continues to reiterate that they're prioritising the quality of titles over a regular release schedule.

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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3