PS5: 9 Brand New CONFIRMED Details You Need To Know

1. Microsoft And Sony's Partnership Will Finally Realise Cloud Gaming

E3 2018 Microsoft

Though we shouldn't jump the gun just yet, the recent "partnership" with Microsoft and Sony, which will see them potentially collaborate on cloud technology and streaming capabilities in the future, could have huge ramifications on the video game world.

The former company in particular has embraced collaboration this generation, recently teaming up with Nintendo to bring Xbox Live to the Switch, while Sony has remained steadfast in their decision to keep the PS4 and its services their own.

This new understanding between the two companies could change that, and while potential features like cross-play become more likely under this new regime, the biggest winner will be the capabilities of the cloud. Perhaps spurred by the imminent arrival of Google, Microsoft and Sony are clearly not wanting to fall behind when it comes to cutting-edge tech, and that can only lead to good things for us consumers.

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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3