PS5: 9 Massive Problems Fans Won't See Coming

1. Getting Sick Of The Emerging "Sony Formula"

ps4 exclusives

Picture a game:

It's third-person, over the shoulder. The graphics aren't especially memorable, but they shoot for realistic renders, and look gorgeous. There are slow, meaningful sections driven by dialogue, and others where the action picks up and you engage in small spurts of combat, before falling back into exploration - sometimes interspersed with climbing.

The overall pace is considered, you aim and fire on both triggers, and the story is spread over tens of hours.

Congratulations, you've just imagined every first-party PlayStation exclusive of the generation. Even the upcoming Ghost of Tsushima looks to be following the same mould, and The Last of Us 2 will as well, despite doing so more naturally.

Now, obviously this is a successful, bankable formula, and one that "allows" for single player games in an industry obsessed with multiplayer "platforms for content", but as you can see, it's something increasingly obvious and recognised.

Where are the RPGs? The FPS? The character action games, strategy titles, card-battlers or anything in between?

Is this really the only way to "do" a notable PlayStation exclusive?

Like Ubisoft running their own "unlock the map with towers and craft your equipment" setup into the ground across this generation, there's an emerging "Sony formula" that's already starting to feel a little expected.


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