PS5 Reveal: 10 Rumoured Games & Features Sony MUST Confirm

8. Feature - The PS5 SSD And What It Means For Games

PS5 backwards

The most prominent feature of the PS5 is the new lightning-fast SSD. A first for consoles, SSD's offer so much more than faster boot times and shorter loading screens, they give game developers the freedom to create larger and more detailed open worlds without the constraints of sluggish hard drives.

Most of our favourite games are designed around limited loading speeds, with long winding corridors or small gaps that you have to slowly crawl through to give the hardware time to catch up. The new SSD in the PS5 will remove such constraints.

With Mark Cerny promising speeds of around 5.5GB/s, it means that assets will be able to load instantly. Hi-Res 4K textures that are gigabytes in size will load in milliseconds. Whole worlds could be rendered around you quicker than you can turn your character's head.

It really is safe to say that the SSD will be the piece of hardware that has the most impact on our gaming experience, and considering the graphical hardware alone that is saying something.

The whole system is built to work blazingly fast, the SSD combined with 16GB GDDR6 RAM will surely give game devs ultimate creative freedom.

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Fledgeling writer from the grim north. Likes RPG Games, shoot-em-ups, and the smell of petrol.