PS5 Reveal: 10 Rumoured Games & Features Sony MUST Confirm

6. Feature - The Physical Design

PS5 backwards

Probably the most frustrating issue surrounding the PS5 is that we still haven't seen the thing. There has been lot's of speculation and supposedly leaked renderings of what the unit looks like but nothing substantial from Sony yet in terms of design. Considering that the holiday season is only a few months away, it has us all very curious as to see what all the hush is about.

It was thought that we might see the PS5 at the reveal event that was scheduled for 4th June, but unfortunately with all the unrest as of late the event was postponed, and we were all left wondering what might have been. It's safe to say that Sony will have something else planned for us soon, but until then we continue to wait in anticipation.

The lack of information surrounding the design is sending the community wild. There have been lots of renderings and images flying around of what the PS5 is expected to look like based on leaks or discussed design ideas.

One major point of discussion is the extra power requiring extra cooling and how Sony is going to compensate for that considering the noise the PS4 made at times.

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Fledgeling writer from the grim north. Likes RPG Games, shoot-em-ups, and the smell of petrol.