PS5 Reveal: 10 Rumoured Games & Features Sony MUST Confirm

5. Game - Horizon Zero Dawn 2

PS5 backwards

Guerilla Games did really well with Horizon Zero Dawn. It's one of the most distinguished Playstation exclusives there are. Both graphically and mechanically the game is a masterpiece, with a fresh and compelling story to boot.

The post-apocalypse cross sci-fi setting of Horizon Zero Dawn was so original and interesting. It was one of those settings that is a part of the story as much as it is a part of the world itself. It had you wondering about the history of the world and what had happened before, revealing little morsels of lore and story as you explore ancient ruins and dungeons.

A sequel for the PS5 is heavily rumoured but yet to be confirmed. After the roaring success of the first game, it is safe to say that it's just a matter of time. Guerilla Games are also reported to be working on an online shooter but it's likely that we will see the Horizon Zero Dawn sequel mentioned before this surfaces.

That being said, The PS5 is only months away and we're yet to hear anything about a sequel, so we're not likely to get it as a launch title.

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Fledgeling writer from the grim north. Likes RPG Games, shoot-em-ups, and the smell of petrol.