PS5 Reveal: 10 Rumoured Games & Features Sony MUST Confirm

4. Feature - Ray Tracing At 4K?

PS5 backwards

One of the most exciting features of the upcoming PS5 is the hardware-accelerated ray tracing that Sony reports the new GPU to be capable of. Up until now, we haven't seen many examples of this in action. Ray tracing is something that has never been done before in consoles and therefore people are anxious to see how it will perform.

Being an emerging technology, ray tracing is something only thought achievable with expensive, high-end PC hardware such as an RTX 2080 graphics card, which will set you back around £700-£800 alone. To announce that your console is going to support ray tracing as well as 4K 60 fps gameplay all at £500-£600 is a real eyebrow-raising statement, one that people will be curious to see in action.

It begs the question, will ray tracing on the PS5 be achievable at 4K 60 fps or will we have to sacrifice resolution and frame rate to make it happen?

TeamKill Media, the developers behind upcoming title Quantum Error have said that they do intend to reach 60 fps with 4K and ray tracing, so maybe the new hardware is powerful enough to handle it after all.

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Fledgeling writer from the grim north. Likes RPG Games, shoot-em-ups, and the smell of petrol.