PS5 Reveal: 10 Rumoured Games & Features Sony MUST Confirm

2. Feature - PSVR2

PS5 backwards

PSVR is fun to play and is a good group activity, but it never could compete with the likes of the Oculus Rift or the HTC Vive. Of course, PSVR was much cheaper than the alternatives, but Sony never really had that high-quality VR experience with the PS4.

It was great to bust out towards the last dying hours of a party, or when you are entertaining guests, or even just to have a little goofy fun playing Skyrim for the 100th time (but somehow clunkier than before).

Although Sony hasn't discussed any solid plans for a new version of PSVR it is highly likely that they will look into it at some point further into the generation. The PS5 is said to support current PSVR, and maybe it will benefit from the new hardware of the PS5, but it would be great to see a newer, improved PSVR at some point.

It feels as though the PSVR2 could be much improved with better resolution, better audio, and better motion tracking. The PS5 is set to be a serious console for serious gamers, and serious gamers want that option for a serious VR experience, even if it costs a little more.

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Fledgeling writer from the grim north. Likes RPG Games, shoot-em-ups, and the smell of petrol.