PS5 Wishlist: 10 Things Sony's Next Console Must Include

7. Beefed-Up VR Capabilities

PS5 Playstation 5

PlayStation VR has proved a hit for Sony, but there's almost as much room for improvement as their is potential in the headset.

As a console accessory, the device cannot offer the same level of immersion as its PC counterparts such as Oculus Rift, though we expect that to change in the PS5 era.

As well as including native support for advanced VR technology inside the console, Sony should bundling in a headset at launch to give virtual reality the extra push it needs to explode into the mainstream.

PlayStation VR could be overdue for a refresh by the time the PS5 is due to hit, so a simultaneous launch is beginning to sound like a no-brainer.

As for how the headset itself should be improved, doing away with wires for increased freedom of movement would be a good place to start.

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