PS5 Wishlist: 10 Things Sony's Next Console Must Include

6. Photorealistic Graphics

PS5 Playstation 5
Naughty Dog

Games like Uncharted 4: A Thief's End and the upcoming Call of Duty: WWII have come admirable close to the promised land of photorealism, but the PS5 should give developers the extra push they need to get there.

The PS4 Pro is capable of running select games in native 4K at 60FPS, and that should become standard for every title on the PlayStation 5.

There's no need for Sony to shoot for 8K like some of the more outlandish PS5 rumours have suggested, as 4K TV ownership will only just have become commonplace by the time the console debuts.

However, beefing up the system's graphics chip to match that of a high-end gaming PC would give the PS5 the extra kick it needs to maximise its native 4K capabilities.

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