PS5 & Xbox Series X: 7 Bold Predictions For The Next Generation
1. More Half-Step Systems
The half-step system idea was initially met with disdain - mainly because we'd had half a generation of near-broken games at launch, and both Sony and Microsoft were asking us to cough up the cash for better hardware.
Part-"giving the devs what they need", part-"it's what the tech industry does, let's try it", the PS4 Pro and Xbox One S/X found their buyers, with the Pro played by "one in five" PS4 owners, and the S or X being the defacto system shown in Xbox advertising.
Going forward Sony have pledged to do a "PS5 Pro" in around three to four more years, with the PS6 in another seven. This will have a knock-on effect of Microsoft releasing another Xbox, though they're already one step ahead with their naming conventions - ditching numbering for "Series X" or whatever comes next.
Even Nintendo dropped the Switch Lite after never iterating on a home console before, and going forward, expect the industry to adopt something of a "tech" mentality where new models arrive frequently, rather than every 6-8 years.
Can you afford a games console every 3/4 years? Will the improvements be worth it? That's another thing entirely.