PSVR 2: 5 Confirmed Features (And 5 It Needs)

What's coming to the next generation of VR, and what does the headset need?

ps vr 2

After years of rumors, leaks, and misleading news quotes (thanks Jim Ryan), Sony's Senior Vice President, Hideaki Nishino, has revealed via PlayStation Blog, that they will be releasing a 'next-generation VR system'.

The console is currently unnamed, but we can assume from Sony's console history, "PSVR 2" is not a far-reaching moniker.

Sony released the initial PSVR for PlayStation 4 back in 2016. It was a daring move that helped push the concept of VR gaming, from a laughable idea in ropey mid-90s Sci-Fi movies to a legitimate form of gaming that has stayed.

While it is yet to break the mainstream (although Sony came close), the medium has thrived, evolved, and strengthen in the several years since...although PSVR itself hasn't.

Let's face it, the PSVR has always been tethered to dated PS3 tech. It hasn't helped either that in the years since 2016, companies like Valve and Facebook, have picked up the VR ball and run circles around Sony's headset.

So the time is ripe for a new piece of tech PS equipment, and VR is primed to break into the mainstream in a major way, with this really being the platform to could finally do it.

10. Confirmed: Single Cable Set-up

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Cables. Cables. Cables.

It was an unfortunate headache to get your PSVR system up and running on your PS4 console.

To summarise: you needed a slot to run the PS Camera, then plug in an additional USB connector into a VR box (with its own power socket) for VR support. Then the headset connects to a double-pronged wire, plus you'll need to plug in additional headphones support for the full experience.

In the early days of modern VR, this was a necessary evil, yet in the present day, where some headsets can even work completely untethered... this feels archaic and restrictive.

Good thing Sony is aware, because one tasty nugget Hidekai Nishino gave us, is:

"It will connect to PS5 with a single cord to simplify setup and improve ease-of-use, while enabling a high-fidelity visual experience."

So one cord to rule them all? Yes, please.

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is a freelance writer that loves ingesting TV shows, Video Games, Comics, and all walks of Movies, from schmaltzy Oscar bait to Kung-Fu cult cinema...actually, more the latter really.