PUBG: 9 Features It Needs To Compete With Fortnite

4. A Casual-Friendly Game Mode

PUBG Fortnite
PUBG Corporation

PUBG is currently facing something of a mid-game crisis.

Due to the sheer size of Miramar and Erangel (the former more than the latter) encountering other would-be survivalists is, usually, an infrequent but assured feature of the game as the playspace continues to shrink.

However, as playstyles and metas continue to evolve, players looking for some quick casual carnage have taken to 'hot-dropping', i.e. ejecting from the plane near popular locations to ensure a quick firefight, leaving those looking for an immersive, skill-testing survival experience with a barren mid-game often containing less than half of the starting player count.

The problem is a clash of playstyles. PUBG appeals to casual and hardcore audiences alike, but Bluehole is attempting to cater to both with just one game mode and it's flat out not working.

The upcoming launch of a new, more petite map will hopefully remedy the deserted mid-game that's currently affecting the game, but if not, Bluehole's going to need some other solution to keep both audiences around.

As is, casual players are flocking to Fortnite because of its quick, easily accessible play.


Joe is a freelance games journalist who, while not spending every waking minute selling himself to websites around the world, spends his free time writing. Most of it makes no sense, but when it does, he treats each article as if it were his Magnum Opus - with varying results.