Rainbow Six Siege's Secret Lore Will Blow Your Mind

2. Key Relationships

Rainbow Six Siege Zofia

And so, in the absence of an actual single-player have come character bios aplenty. Like Overwatch, Siege has opted to convey the personality of its heroes (or operators) through their arsenal and short excerpts and cutscenes, meaning that there's actually a lot of info that may have slipped in between the fingers of players.

For instance, did you know that, as the game's two only hard breachers, Thermite and Hibana actually have a key friendship? It was Thermite who first collaborated with Hibana to develop her trademark X-KAIROS pellets. The two first met while partaking in an operation in Jordan, and it was from there the device was developed.

They aren't the only two members of Rainbow to share a history though. Doc and Lion - both members of GIGN, although the latter is also a member of CBRN - harbour a mutual dislike for the other. This stems largely from Doc's compassionate streak, and the fact that, while deployed to West Africa to assist during the Ebola Outbreak, Lion's actions actually resulted in the deaths of some of Doc's allies.

Then there's the best story of all - the relationship between Zofia and Ela, who are actually sisters. The story behind Siege's two Polish operators actually feeds into gameplay as well, with players who choose either Ela or Zofia being given bonuses for interacting with the other. A 'sibling rivalry' bonus is applied whenever they kill each other, and both have a natural immunity to the concussion devices deployed by either operator.

Content Producer/Presenter
Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.