Ranking 2019's Biggest Video Games By Hype

19. Rage 2

Rage 2

Release Date: May 14

Though few were admittedly clamouring to a follow-up to 2010's mediocre open-world shooter Rage, this bonkers sequel looks decidedly more stylish and exciting, with its Mad Max-on-crack aesthetic and slick, fluid combat.

Yes, it's possible that Rage 2 ends up being a little too wacky-with-a-capital-W for its own good, but with its uncommon focus on single-player mayhem and gorgeous visuals, it could easily turn out one of the most improved video game sequels of all time.

The hype certainly isn't sky-high on this one - hence its lower placement - but it's also on a lot of people's radars in case the reviews turn out strong. If critics like it, don't be shocked if Rage 2 is one of 2019's biggest sleeper hits.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.