Ranking All 151 Original Pokémon From Worst To Best

105. Slowbro

80 Slowbro

For whatever reason I never really took to anything in the Slow-family, but Slowbro's combination of water and psychic moves, as well as some pretty decent stats (it's as strong as Alakazam and Electabuzz, broadly speaking) is hard to ignore.

104. Electrode

101 Electrode

A few people told me to stick Electrode right in at 151 for always, ALWAYS self-destructing whenever you tried to catch one. However I have so much time for anything so committed to ruining your sh*t that it'll even sacrifice itself to do it. Big up my boy Electrode, you play by nobody's rules.

103. Diglett

50 Diglett

Digletts dug a massive tunnel from one town to another, and in game can also learn all the best ground and rock moves. They are tiny, tiny badasses.

102. Jigglypuff

39 Jigglypuff

An icon. A towering icon of the franchise.

101. Dewgong

87 Dewgong

Dewgongs aren't particularly memorable, and it's hard to argue that they were particularly worthwhile using competitively. But, for many players who failed to catch Articuno and didn't start with Squirtle, Dewgong was vital for defeating Lance's dragon types in the Elite 4.

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