Ranking All 151 Original Pokémon From Worst To Best

110. Shellder

90 Shellder

Again, a simple idea well executed, but this time with a useful set of stats and moves. Shellder was an excellent catch in Gen 1, mostly for its toughness.

109. Poliwag

60 Poliwag

Adorable. And it learns Hypnosis, so adorable and slightly sinister.

108. Geodude

74 Geodude

A floating rock with arms and a gruff voice is the sort of image your play these games to see. One of the more recogniseable Pokémon due to the animes and, if used right, very strong in Gen 1.

107. Machop

66 Machop

Machops look relatively cute and harmless, but considering how early you encounter them in the game are capable of really messing with your team. It knows Karate Chop and Low Sweep by Level 13 for crying out loud.

106. Tentacruel

73 Tentacruel

Not something you were ever likely to find any serious players using, but Tentacruels packed a hell of a wallop and look Bad. Ass.

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