Ranking All 151 Original Pokémon From Worst To Best

95. Caterpie

010 Caterpie

An utter icon of the anime, being the very first Pokémon that Ash ever caught, Caterpie has become a mainstay of the games as well. Your sister had one in a plush toy and, if you're being honest, you were delighted when you first caught one too.

94. Kadabra

064 Kadabra

It's impossible to deny Kadabra's strength in-game, but after persisting with the undeniably cool looking Abra, the reward of its evolution is a bit of a let down. Sorry, but I'm not having the spoon and the 'tache. Also has a dreadfully shallow moveset.

93. Primeape

057 Primeape

While Mankey represented a cool fighting option in early stages of the game, by the time you've persisted with it long enough to have Primeape there are vastly better options for you. Formidable in its own right, but hugely overshadowed by Machamp and Hitmons.

92. Magnemite

081 Magnemite

The reason that later generation's 'random item' Pokémon design is so frustrating - Vanillite, Klefki, Trubbish etc - is because Magnemite was so well done. It's just a magnet, after all, but it carries so much personality and a moveset that feels distinctive.

91. Beedrill

015 Beedrill

Come on, look at it. It's a bee with drills for arms.

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