Ranking All 151 Original Pokémon From Worst To Best

40. Haunter

093 Haunter

Haunter has, indisputably, one of the coolest designs in the entire game. The jagged jac-o-lantern outline, the terrifying floating claws, the maniacal laugh. With 115 Sp Attack it's also one of the strongest 2nd stage evolutions in the game.

39. Onix

095 Onix

Another breakout star of the anime, Onix was initially introduced as a giant, terrifying rock snake. A great concept that the designers executed simply yet effectively. Sadly the games have never fully committed to rendering it as an actual giant, but they should.

38. Kangaskhan

115 Kangaskhan

Legendaries aside, Kangaskhan was one of the rarest catchable Pokémon in Generation 1. Residing only in the Safari Zone, appearing very rarely and with a catch rate nearly as low as Chansey's, it was an absolute nightmate. Also became the source of similar frustration in Pokémon Go, being exclusive to Australia.

37. Pinsir

127 Pinsir

Another super-rare treat to be found inside the Safari Zone, Pinsir tends to take a back seat in popularity to Scyther. That said, with a 125 Attack and Guillotine in its arsenal its arguably just as useful in battle.

36. Porygon

137 Porygon

Ok so Porygon's going to look like a strange inclusion this high up, but stick with me. It's one of the most, I'll be kind here, unique looking designs, but it also learns two really cool signature moves in Conversion and Conversion2. Plus, in its only real anime appearance it managed to put 600 children in hospital and that is an incredible strike rate.

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