Ranking All 151 Original Pokémon From Worst To Best

30. Pidgeot

018 Pidgeot

Two words. Bird. Jesus.

29. Magmar

126 Magmar

Along with Electabuzz, Lapras and, I guess, Jynx, Magmar occupies a special sub-set of Pokémon in Generation 1 that you could almost call sub-legendaries. No evolution path, one strong type choice, very hard to catch, and very handy in battle. Magmar was let down by its moveset in game (although having Confuse Ray was cool), but its anime episode vs Charizard was excellent.

28. Electabuzz

125 Electabuzz

As above, just with considerably better moves and a far more distinctive look about it.

27. Ninetails

038 Ninetales

In any other generation of Pokémon, Ninetails would comfortably be the best fire-type in the game. It's stats are excellent (if a little light defensively), it learns and can be taught great moves, and it's got one of the most majestic and elegant designs in the whole franchise. Sadly, Arcanine and Charizard exist.

26. Venusaur

003 Venusaur

If picking Bulbasuar was the game's way of starting on easy mode (you had type advantage at the first two gyms) then it was equally how to end it on hard. Venusaur evolves to be the weakest and slowest of the starters, only learns one move stronger than 55 power and never quite managed to achieve that pop culture status that it's fire and water counterparts did. Maybe blame the box art for that.

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