Ranking All 151 Original Pokémon From Worst To Best

126. Wigglytuff

40 Wigglytuff

Wigglytuff looks a bit like Clare Balding, which always weirded me out. For a final evolution Pokémon it has almost impressively weak stats in game .

125. Machoke

67 Machoke

Ma-roids, more like.

124. Doduo

84 Doduo

Doduo is a classic example of the game designers stumbling upon a great concept of a Pokémon, but just not quite nailing it. Doduo is a bird with two arguing heads, but just inherited all the moves of a regular normal/flying type. A bit of a let down.

123. Weedle

13 Weedle

Weedle is cool I suppose. Often getting overlooked in favour of the more popular (probably because of the anime) Caterpie, the fact it could learn a poison attack move before its chrysalis stage made it very useful in the early stages of the game.

Joint 122. Nidoran♀ / Nidoran♂

32 Nidoran 33 Nidoran

Virtually identical in every way, even down to the way they look. If you're able to find any reason why one of them is better than the other you're dabbling in gender politics and I will be have zero part of that thanks.

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