Ranking All 151 Original Pokémon From Worst To Best

120. Seel

86 Seel

Despite having a pretty uninspired design (literally just a regular seal with manga eyes stuck on it) Seels were useful in game for being the easiest way to get some ice moves in your party. Also loads of bonus points for singing the seminal 1994 single Kiss From A Rose

119. Grimer

88 Grimer

Somewhere between Koffing, Weezing, Grimer and Muk, there was a hint of environmental undertones in the original Pokémon games. Being an amorphous blob that feeds off human pollution is, conceptually, a great idea. Sadly, I can't give points for the fact its Allolan form looked like a Zap ice lolly but, if I could, I would give it lots.

118. Gloom

44 Gloom

Good moveset, weirdly high Special Attack for a 2nd stage Pokémon, and a pretty memorable look about it. But still, that face is etched with suffering. "Why?..." asks literally every Gloom, "why is this whole world pain?".

117. Venonat

48 Venonat

Venonats aren't exactly pulling up any trees in the game but, for a grass/poison type, the fact it could learn a load of Psychic moves made it quite an interesting prospect. Also, the whole 'it was meant to evolve into Butterfree myth' adds some mystique.

116. Krabby

98 Krabby

Krabby's are, of course, useless, but Ash's Krabby in the anime was an adorable little hero and that's worth an awful lot to me.

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