Ranking All Games Published By Bethesda Softworks From Worst To Best

30. Brink (2011)

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Splash Damage's Brink holds a simple premise: scrappy rebels vs. utopian authority, and pits them against each other in online matches doing your typical business (e.g. capture the flag, defend the spot, etc).

There are things to like here, such as an artfully designed sci-fi world with unique character designs. Plus, for a multiplayer-centric game, there's an effort put into creating a story campaign. It's threadbare, and basically, multiplayer matches strung together, but it does add meat to the package and gives an alternative way to upgrade your character.

Titles like this though, live and die according to gameplay, and... it doesn’t hold up to modern online at all.

The matches are standard, the weapon roster passable, and the 'talking point' when it was made - fluid and flexible Parkour movement - feels stiff and clunky in a post-Destiny world.

It was a solid if basic game when it released. Nowadays though, it feels archaic and left behind.


is a freelance writer that loves ingesting TV shows, Video Games, Comics, and all walks of Movies, from schmaltzy Oscar bait to Kung-Fu cult cinema...actually, more the latter really.