Ranking All Games Published By Bethesda Softworks From Worst To Best

31. Pirates Of The Caribbean: The Legend Of Jack Sparrow (2006)

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Disney Interactive Studios

Back in the mid noughties, those desiring a decent third-person action title set in the POTC franchise could do no worse than this licensed effort.

The production holds an impressive soundtrack, a nice eye for the franchise details, and even Johnny Depp providing voice acting for Captain Jack. The plot is not an unimaginative rehash of the first movie either, but a fun variation of it, with Jack recalling his own unique perspective of its events.

At present though, the title is rightfully forgotten. The graphics are dated, the combat repetitive, and the shiny appeal of the franchise (and Depp playing Jack) way past its prime.

There's not much to recommend here unless you're a franchise die-hard, with this yet another clear case of Bethesda leaning into easy movie tie-in money.


is a freelance writer that loves ingesting TV shows, Video Games, Comics, and all walks of Movies, from schmaltzy Oscar bait to Kung-Fu cult cinema...actually, more the latter really.