Ranking All Of Metal Gear Solid's Boss Battles From Worst To Best

13. The Skulls - Sniper (MGS V)

Now, this battle in episode 28 can actually be skipped completely if you run to the waterfall and climb upwards, but it's one that's definitely worth playing, because it's by far the most enjoyable and least annoying Skulls fight in the entire game. Facing off against four female Skulls snipers who can turn invisible and teleport to your location, it's a nice variation on the Skulls formula so far, and with the help of either Quiet or some bombardments, almost the entire fight can be conducted remotely if you don't want to get your hands too dirty. If some Skulls fights were too simple and others were too tough, this is the one that feels the best balanced of the lot: it requires smart strategy on the part of the player, but can be done after just a few tries without too much rage.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.