Ranking All Of Metal Gear Solid's Boss Battles From Worst To Best

10. Vamp (MGS 4)

This is without question one of the longest-anticipated fights in the history of the MGS franchise, and though pretty different from what many were expecting (namely a Raiden/Vamp showdown, which was relegated to a cut-scene), it still delivered in spades, even if the "Vamp because nanomachines" explanation was undeniably disappointing. The battle at first seems incredibly straight-forward: you can use conventional weapons to sap Vamp's health, but when it hits zero, it'll suddenly regain to full and the battle will restart. This stumped many players upon release and made the battle a lot more frustrating than it at first seemed, because of course, it being a Kojima game, there's a sneaky trick. When Vamp's health is down, you have to quickly equip the syringe to inject him and disable his nanomachines, bringing the battle to an end. Vamp then fights Raiden in one final showdown before Vamp is mortally wounded and Naomi Hunter injects him again, ending his life once and for all. For every player who absolutely hated facing Vamp in MGS 2, this was sweet, sweet justice, and a great fight on its own merits. How smart did everyone feel when they finally took him down with that syringe?

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.