Ranking All Of Metal Gear Solid's Boss Battles From Worst To Best

8. Metal Gear RAYs (MGS 2)

Because Metal Gear REX wasn't tough enough in the original game, the equivalent battle in MGS 2 sees you taking on an entire fleet of Metal Gear RAYs three at a time. On the plus side, these RAYs individually have much less health than REX, so they can be put down with a few Stinger missiles each, but there's three of them firing missiles and gunfire at you at once, which spikes the difficulty up substantially. On Normal mode, this is a challenging but do-able fight, where you only have to destroy a small number of RAYs, but on higher difficulties you'll have to bring down 20 of these things. It's a suitably epic fight even if the individuals RAYs seem so weak compared to REX, but European Extreme's version of the fight will be brutal enough to shut anyone up about it feeling like a watered down REX rehash.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.