Ranking Every Bioware Game From Worst To Best

12. Mass Effect: Andromeda

Bioware Video Games

Doomed to go down as one of the biggest disappointments of 2017, Mass Effect: Andromeda became a laughing stock overnight thanks to its botched animations and wealth of glitches at launch.

Although it was easy to point at the eerie, lifeless faces as proof that Mass Effect was finally dead, Andromeda still had a lot to offer underneath its blemishes.

Adopting an open world approach to level design, the spin-off attempted to capture the sense of wonder and exploration that made the original such a raucous success, letting players loose to traverse a series of diverse planets.

Transforming these hostile locations into hospitable settlements made you feel like you were genuinely exploring uncharted territory, but while this was great in chunks, a poor and uninspired main narrative gave you little reason to care about actually doing any of the objectives on these planets.

Fronted by a villain blander than any two-bit side character from the main trilogy, Andromeda's story didn't come close to matching the potential of its own premise. The gameplay was more refined than ever, but the narrative was what fans of the franchise came for, and without a good one Andromeda lost its biggest draw.

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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3