Ranking Every Bioware Game From Worst To Best

13. Dragon Age 2

Bioware Video Games

Like Mass Effect 2 before it, Dragon Age II attempted to streamline the franchise and put the focus more on action than deep RPG elements, but unfortunately the sequel went too far in stripping out content and features that players loved from the first game.

As a result, despite having a massively improved combat system, Dragon Age II lacked many of the distinct elements that made Origins such a cult hit. Gone was the sprawling narrative in favour of a smaller, tighter story focused on a handful of characters, while the grand locales of the first game were swapped out for the same few dungeons and repeated city courtyards.

Consequently, the sequel felt like a cheap imitation of a Bioware game rather than something from the studio themselves, and although it birthed a few great characters that would go on to become series staples, was ultimately a major misstep in an otherwise excellent set of fantasy games.

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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3