Ranking Every Dead Rising Psychopath From Worst To Best

1. Carlito Keyes

Adam the Clown - Dead Rising

What could possibly beat a clown to the top spot as a complete and utter psychopath, you may wonder?

Oh, I don't know... maybe just the douche-nozzle that started the Willamette outbreak in the first place? There's getting revenge on those that have ruined your hometown, I get that.

But causing a mass outbreak on a population that doesn't deserve it? That's just nuts, man.

To compound that that psychopath is annoying, so are the fights against him. One has you trying to pick him off with a handgun, which we've established about guns in these games, whilst he lobs grenades at you.

The other has him playing hard to get whilst shooting you along the upper floors of the mall. At least the Hall family you could kind of ignore on these parts, whereas this is story-related and can't be missed.

Plus, he gets extra psycho points for wounding Brad and causing his inevitable death and zombification. That's just not cool, man.

So, how did you feel about this ranking? Did any of these give you more grief, or would you have another at your top spot...?

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Dead Rising
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Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.