Ranking Every Dead Rising Psychopath From Worst To Best

8. Isabela Keyes

Adam the Clown - Dead Rising
Open Road Films

In the grand scheme of things, Isabela isn't really a clear cut psychopath. Whilst she starts off on her brother's side for revenge, she does switch sides and aides Frank by the end of the story.

That being said, the fight against her is an absolute pain in the arse.

As mentioned previously, firing guns is a bit wonky at the best of times in Dead Rising, with the favour being on melee combat.

But stick a psycho on a motorbike, that can and will smack you about for heavy damage, and expect you to get close and knock them about is asking a bit much.

So for many, the fight becomes playing "The Floor Is Lava" whilst tricking to hit the Keyes with pot shots from whatever firearm you had the random clairvoyance to bring with you.

It makes this fight hard not out of challenge but of attrition, as you have to time it right when Isabela ever gets stuck on something or completes another lap of the closed mall wing she's racing about in.

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Dead Rising
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Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.