Ranking Every Dead Rising Psychopath From Worst To Best

7. Steven Chapman

Adam the Clown - Dead Rising

Before you have to face Isabela though, you have to deal with this retail worker armed with more than just a chip on his shoulder.

Like a contestant from Supermarket Sweep gone a bit mental, Stephen obstructs you from obtaining medicine for Brad in his store. You can't reason with him, no matter how much you try and sweet talk him, as he's convinced you're there to mess his store up.

The actual fight with him is just as annoying, as he's armed with a trolley that looks like it ran through the hardware section and came out weaponised. And unlike every other trolley at a market, this one doesn't have a wobbly wheel.

That is to say: If Stephen sees you, he will beeline towards you at speed and hit you right between the aisles.

The one reprieve of this fight is, well, it's a supermarket. There's food items to keep your health up. But the caveat is trying to sneak up on the snapped shelf-stacker.

Trouble is, you need to. He's bagged Isabela in his cart, and she kinda needs saving.

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Dead Rising
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Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.