Ranking Every Dead Rising Psychopath From Worst To Best

6. Kent Swanson

Adam the Clown - Dead Rising

It's weird how a zombie apocalypse can turn career-focused, determined individuals into absolute barnpots, isn't it?

Why else would Kent Swanson be up on this list?

At first, the photographer doesn't really pose an immediate threat. Alright, he's a bit of a dick when it comes to trying to one-up Frank "I've Covered Wars, Y'know" West, but that's just competition, right?

All's fair and all that, until it gets a bit darker. As in, trying to capture the exact moment a person zombifies. Not naturally, that'd take too long.

No, Kent wants to expedite the process by forcing an unwilling hostage to ingest one of the larvae that can cause it.

Understandably, Frank can't have that, and squashes both Kent's sinister plan and the bug in the nick of time. This is where Kent's psychopathic tendencies come out, as you've "ruined his perfect shot" and he tries to take you out.

It's not the most innovative of boss fights, and can be missed if you're too late, leaving Kent to show off his gross experiment.

But you can't have that on your conscience, can you?

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Dead Rising
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Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.