Ranking EVERY Fallout Game From Worst To Best

2. Fallout 2

Fallout games

Fallout 2 is a sequel done right.

The weight of expectations for this game was enormous, after all how do you take something already bursting at the seams with critical praise and outstanding content and improve on it?

Well somehow Interplay managed to pull this off, making the world map bigger, unearthing tonnes of new horrors to face and expanding the dialogue branches of this title so much that it resembled a rainforest by the end of things.

It's not just a case of more of the same either, because the new narrative depth allowed for even more nuanced characters and it meant that some moral choices truly were arduous as every party involved had justifiable reasons for their actions and demands.

Elsewhere the tweaks and fixes managed to elevate an already great game into something truly outstanding, wiping clean the slate of bugs and item management issues from the first and making things feel more accessible than ever without compromising on depth.

It's easy to see why some fans were disappointed with the shift to 3rd/1st Person in Fallout 3 because here, Fallout 2 perfected the formula the original had put in place.

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