Ranking Every Final Fantasy Spin-Off Game

9. Final Fantasy Type-0

Ffxiii2 Thumb
Square Enix

Final Fantasy Type-0 was a very, very frustrating game.

It was also a very, very rewarding game for players willing to invest a considerable amount of time into it. Made available in the West for the first time through a PS4 remaster that many would’ve ignored were it not for the inclusion of a XV demo, Type-0 boasted many layers of branching narratives, missions and side quests to pursue, necessitating multiple playthroughs to access the full wealth of content and story given how many events were time or choice specific.

All in all, it had one of the most long-winded storylines in the entire franchise, though the addition of the Rubicus, which documented every storyline event experienced, quest completed, monster slayed, character met and summon recruited, made everything much easier to follow and should be replicated in every game going forwards.

With fourteen playable but very lazily named party members (it’s clear that Square-Enix ran out of ideas for numerical puns after Sice by having characters named Seven, Eight and Nine), the game offered a number of close combat, ranged and magical styles to master. Few had any impact on the story, which goes to some very dark places, but each was worth developing and regularly switching between (though almost everybody ended up maining Trey).

There are no other games in the series that are really comparable to Type-0. It boasts series mainstays like a world map and chocobos, but ultimately feels very unique, if some way off groundbreaking.


Alex was about to write a short biography, but he got distracted by something shiny instead.