Ranking Every Final Fantasy Spin-Off Game

7. Dissidia 012: Final Fantasy

Ffxiii2 Thumb
Square Enix

The best of the Dissidia games and almost certainly a contender for the most ridiculous title in the franchise. Its full name (Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy) was presumably conceived by the same marketing/localisation team that came up with the likes of Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days and Dissidia 012 is commonly known by its shortened name for the sake of both simplicity and sanity.

Essentially an enhanced remake of the original game, given that it told the same story and could share save data, 012 stood out over its predecessor by virtue of the fact that most of the small tweaks made to the gameplay and mechanics were positive. Each character was given more options in battle, an ersatz world map was more enjoyable to navigate than story ‘boards’ and the addition of new stages, summons and characters (including Laguna, Tifa and Gilgamesh) added greatly to the previous ‘two characters and one stage per game’ maximums.

Throw in another wonderful hybrid soundtrack and the result was one of the best games on the PSP. It still had its flaws, such as the removal of the endless fighting mode from the original, but whilst there’s certainly still scope for a better successor more akin to Super Smash Bros Ultimate, which boasts more than ninety characters, 012 is probably the best fighting experience that Final Fantasy fanatics are ever going to get given the subsequent bombing of Dissidia NT.


Alex was about to write a short biography, but he got distracted by something shiny instead.