Ranking Every PlayStation Developer From Worst To Best

11. PixelOpus

Playstation Games

Notable Games: Entwined

In Development: Concrete Genie

During the PS3 era, Sony started taking a page out of Microsoft’s book and seriously endorsing indie developers to create exclusive PSN content for them. Award-winning titles like Journey, Unfinished Swan and Papa & Yo emerged to much acclaim, yet nary was created in-house.

In 2014, the company decided to create their own studio to develop products in a similar vein. PixelOpus in San Mateo was born but they’ve only released one minor title since. Excitement has been brewing though for their game currently in development; Concrete Genie.

It’s a gorgeous looking downloadable title with interesting mechanics and bucketloads of charm. The potential to hit that balance of quirky energy, intriguing gameplay and critical recognition is high (and clearly what they're striving for).

Fingers crossed Sony have found their little in-house 'indie' darling.

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God of War
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is a freelance writer that loves ingesting TV shows, Video Games, Comics, and all walks of Movies, from schmaltzy Oscar bait to Kung-Fu cult cinema...actually, more the latter really.