Ranking Every PS4 Exclusive From Worst To Best

2. Horizon Zero Dawn

Horizon zero dawn
Guerilla Games

Talk about a breath of fresh air, this brand-new IP from Guerrilla Games is practically the antithesis of Killzone in every way.

Where we had first-person shooter there's third-person bow n' gadget combat. Where the colour palette was restricted to muted shades and dull characters, we have gorgeously imagined future-cultures and robo-freakin-dinosaurs.

Just exploring the land makes you question everything about where the game is actually set, and then one of the best stories this generation answers every last question in the best way possible.

As the credits roll you'll be faced with a notably brilliant moral quandary, and its that level of writing that elevates Horizon alongside its addictive and rewarding open world gameplay.

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

WhatCulture's Head of Gaming.