Ranking EVERY PS5 Launch Game From Worst To Best

3. Call Of Duty: Black Ops Cold War

call of duty black ops cold war alex mason

Why Activision are choosing to release this on a Friday (the 13th, no less) rather than the PS5's North American date of the 12th is beyond me, but regardless, 2020's Call of Duty is a next-gen launch game.

That Friday will also see the title come to every other major platform, but regardless, millions of buyers will be doing the now-traditional "new console, new Call of Duty" combo, and that makes it valid.

Having played a few hours of BOCW's Alpha, the game is shaping up to offer an altogether more "acrobatic" and experimental approach to Call of Duty combat.

Assumedly as a way to differentiate from 2019's immaculate Modern Warfare (an instalment that's still going strong, thereby negating the existence of a followup), Cold War's maps were peppered with ziplines, underwater sections and more ways to get the drop on opponents from above or below than ever before.

In a world where Activision need to think of a way to split the Call of Duty fanbase without losing out, it feels like Black Ops' 2020 offering has enough personality that we can enjoyably jump from between it and Modern Warfare.

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