Ranking Every Quantic Dream Game From Worst To Best

2. Heavy Rain (2010)

Detroit Become Human
Quantic Dream

Dripping in a thick atmosphere with a moody soundtrack, Quantic's breakthrough game has all the trappings of a suspenseful Hollywood production, with Cage borrowing the initial aesthetic of Fahrenheit but refining it into a stronger and more focused product.

It's a captivating thriller, with each of the four intertwining plot-lines representing a specific sub-section of that genre. The most enjoyable cinematic would be the Noir-ish plot of Detective Shelby - yet the involving heart of the story is Ethan Mars; a dad put to the test to save his son. It's a journey that grips and successfully gives the player the feeling of being immersed in an interactive movie - one where any main character could actually die, and whose decisions could create massive ripples.

The pacing suffers early on though, with a meandering sense of purpose and lots of superfluous interaction (press X to JASON!). Plus, the finale’s big reveal is painfully non-sensical and completely half-assed. Also, despite the actor's dedication to their roles, the mixed European cast struggle with accents and varying levels of talent - in fact, a vital Flashback sequence is ruined by a shoddy child actor and his blatantly French accent.

Still, despite its flaws and the tech dating ever so slightly, there’s no denying this featured Cage at his most grippingly focused. When it works, it works great - in an undeniable thrilling and intensely racking rollercoaster.


is a freelance writer that loves ingesting TV shows, Video Games, Comics, and all walks of Movies, from schmaltzy Oscar bait to Kung-Fu cult cinema...actually, more the latter really.