Ranking Every Rockstar Game From Worst To Best

15. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories

Vic Vance GTA Vice City Stories

Just like with Liberty City Stories, Rockstar weren't ones to just churn out feature-stripped version of an older game.

Instead, alongside having all-new characters, a banging soundtrack, cutscenes and new grapple fight animations for Lance Vance's brother Vic, we now had a Scarface-style property tycoon substructure governing your overall progression outside of the story.

It gave you a constantly moving set of goals involving the buying out of locations and the defending of others - not unlike San Andreas' gang turf wars. Multiplayer once again returned (yes, GTA multiplayer in Vice City) for up to six players and performance could render the whole city in far greater detail than the 2002 original.

This was a technical marvel, and for all those wanting GTA to "return to Vice City", Rockstar already did - it was fantastic.

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