Ranking Every Rockstar Game From Worst To Best

16. Manhunt 2

manhunt 2

When the first Manhunt arrived, it felt as though Rockstar were embracing their bad boy image to create something that would completely own the fear-mongering headlines. Though simply because of that fact, when Manhunt 2 started whirring into life, the media were ready to pounce.

The centre of many controversies surrounding potential links to real-life murders and an easy scapegoat for various politicians to stage "We've got your best interests at heart" campaigns, it didn't matter that Manhunt 2 actually played extremely well.

Though it lacked the overall character arc and table-turning power fantasy of the original, the introduction of more weapons and ways to kill - alongside a solid story that ended with a brilliant twist - was enough to make this extremely fun, if you were a fan of all things covered in claret.

Ultimately the game just couldn't escape the entire western hemisphere gunning for it, resulting in many bans and an AO age rating, leaving Rockstar to apply vision filters over gorier scenes, alter how the game's ending was unlocked and completely remove the 'rating' system for your kills.

Still, great game - if you can see through the blood.

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

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