Ranking Every Rockstar Game From Worst To Best

13. Grand Theft Auto IV


Arguments in the comments as to whether GTA IV really is the 'worst' of the main bunch, as personally I'll always drop it points for having such an unlikeable setting, cast of characters and motivation.

Niko's supposed to drive to secure the 'American Dream' was forever at odds with actions that saw him genocidally wipe out an entire city block with a rocket launcher, only to complain in-cutscene that he "was trying to leave this life behind". It just simply didn't add up, but thankfully all of Rockstar's past efforts in designing the perfect game engine paid off.

From a pure gameplay approach, GTA IV was a technical marvel. The amount of ways you could approach and complete missions felt almost unprecedented once you factored in real-world physics.

Shattering windscreens with a hail of bullets, popping tires to send your target careening into a food cart or rigging explosions to pirouette an enemy across an abandoned warehouse, there was a grit and realism to GTA IV that didn't always 'feel' like GTA, but was an altogether more accomplished beast.

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