Ranking Every Rockstar Game From Worst To Best

12. Midnight Club 3: DUB Edition

Midnight club 3

Taking all the lessons learned from Grand Theft Auto and refining them so that driving was the main focus, Midnight Club 3 was the fastest instalment yet. Even the starting cars would see the screen shake and tunnel vision set in once you prodded the nitrous button - the immediately enjoyable rush of pulling ahead connoting that scene in the first Fast & the Furious where we see what these supercars can do at 100mph.

Reprising the same checkpoint races that always made Midnight Club that breath of fresh air against the more linear Need for Speeds of the world, MC3 expanded this freeform "Just find a way to the marker" approach to some of the series' most detailed cities yet. And best of all, there were three of them - San Diego, Atlanta and Detroit.

Customisation was also a notable step-up, though what the game lacked in complexity it doubled-down on with dedicated upgrade paths. It more than suited the feel of Midnight Club as this bastion of arcade racing entertainment: You're always racing, always upgrading, and always going faster.


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