Ranking Every Video Game Joker From Worst To Best

10. Batman: Dark Tomorrow

batman injustice joker

Voiced by: Allan Enlow

Somebody call a doctor, something is seriously, seriously wrong. This isn't a reference to the Joker's impaired psychological megalomania, it's instead a judgemental finger pointing at the sheer insolubility of what can only be referred to as a botched face transplant, an abhorrently pain-inducing set of vocal cords - and not in a good way - with the biggest offence being the static, lifeless model used to represent such a classic character.

Not only is the model perplexing as it is non-articulate, the personality is just simply embarrassing. For whatever reason, the developers thought it would be feasible for the Joker to be playing an organ like an old lady in a church, which admittedly is a first, with the surrounding interactions between him and Batman feeling more like a friendly reminiscence between old friends than it is a man fighting his enemy.

If this was the only vocal performance ever put to media, Jared Leto would have not only won an Oscar for his piss poor portrayal, but he'd probably be considered the definitive version of the character. Which speaks volumes as to how insincere and shockingly absurd this forgettable waste of time really is.

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My name is Callum Marsh, but people tend to either call me Cal or Marsh (very creative, I know). Contact: Callumarsh@gmail.com