Ranking Every Video Game Joker From Worst To Best

9. Mortal Kombat Vs. DC Universe

batman injustice joker

Voiced by: Richard Epcar

The most underwhelming game in the Mortal Kombat series - only canonically, not including spin-offs - was completely downtrodden, if not outright scrutinised by critics and fans alike upon release, and ironically, the DC characters have a pivotal part to play in all of this overabundant criticism.

Despite the DC roster containing murderous psychopaths in the form of The Joker, Deathstroke and Lex Luthor just to name a few, the corporate fat cats over at Warner Bros. decidedly put a veto on any of the characters from their influential intellectual properties when it came to delightfully barbarous execution. Regardless of the character's nature.

So, you can imagine just how disappointed many people - with a lot likely buying this game to see what maniacally tasty bloodshed could be utilised by characters like Joker - were when they witnessed him subtly kill someone off-screen, with little to no implications of extreme violence.

The insipid irony of this is that the year was 2008 and prior to this, the Joker had murdered Jason Todd in cold blood, crippled Jim Gordon's daughter (with the insinuation of potential sexual violence) and even poisoned a group of children with candy floss, but apparently all of that doesn't compare to murdering another homicidal maniac.

It might be fair to say that DC have always made some rather bemusing choices...

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My name is Callum Marsh, but people tend to either call me Cal or Marsh (very creative, I know). Contact: Callumarsh@gmail.com