11. Saints Row: Gat Out Of Hell
Did you even know there was a new Saints Row out? Unlike when 3 and 4 dropped and you could feel a certain subset of people whispering "Hey, this might be more fun that GTA" only to scuttle back into the shadows, for Gat out of Hell and the realisation that Deep Silver too have been swallowing the Ubisoft pills to deliver a glorified DLC pack as a 'sequel', it doesn't make for a title worth shouting about. In GOOH (a better name to be honest) you'll take up the mantle of Gat himself, diving literally into Hell to retrieve your former Boss character from marrying Satan's missus... or something. The trademark kitchen sink approach to comedy is in full effect, but with the city itself feeling like a desaturated re-skin of the same Steelport you've had for the last twor games, there's little in the way of things to do outside of blasting funky-looking demons with a minigun-equipped armchair. Then again, maybe that's all you need in life.